April 12, 2015

Caring for Feral Cats through Spay/Neuter Program

A number of citizens were recently in touch with the 'Spay/Neuter Kingston Initiative'. and were kindly referred to the Toronto Feral Cat Coalition to obtain further information on having a spay/neuter mobile unit come to Wolfe Island. Thanks to Spay/Neuter Kingston Initiative, and community support, there now is an organizing committee to move this endeavour forward. A first meeting was attended by 19 persons. “We need the continued support of the Wolfe Island community to proceed now and to apply for Grants or Funding. We need to identify the Feral Cat Colonies.

Consider circulating this request and ask interested Islanders to call me,
Jana Mills, at home (613-385-2792) or email at millsj@queensu.ca
with the re line “feral cats”.

Our next meeting will be held:
Sunday, April 12th at 1pm
at the Wolfe Island Town Hall

FYI: Check out Spay/Neuter Kingston Initiation : http://www.spayneuterkingstoninitiative.org/online-donation

Posted by M Knott at April 12, 2015 05:09 PM